Since the establishment of the first golf course in Japan in 1901, there are now more than 300 courses designed by international world-class golf course architects, with Hokkaido Classic Golf Club being considered one of the best. Completed in 1991,this course soon became one of the most highly evaluated golf courses in Japan. Its designer Jack Nicklaus commented, "the golf course was designed based on the image of my hometown's Muirfield Village". This course with its perfect mixture of natural landscape and strategic elements has since been evaluated as one of Nicklaus’s greatest works to date.

HOLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 OUT 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 IN TOTAL
CHAMP TEE 438 406 201 430 525 401 550 189 357 3,497 525 416 411 237 385 425 552 163 448 3,562 7,059
BACK TEE 414 383 176 418 499 375 517 164 321 3,267 494 391 386 205 362 406 532 142 432 3,350 6,617
REGULAR TEE-1 391 356 160 403 472 375 517 143 321 3,138 494 391 355 180 325 376 532 138 387 3,178 6,316
 REGULAR TEE-2  391 356 137 402 472 348 491 143 291 3,031 466 355 355 180 325 376 501 118 357 3,033 6,064
FRONT TEE 337 315 97 287 449 294 464 118 263 2,624 434 315 333 150 307 352 459 94 291 2,735 5,359
PAR 4 4 3 4 5 4 5 3 4 36 5 4 4 3 4 4 5 3 4 36 72
HDCP 3 9 15 1 13 7 11 17 5 --- 10 16 4 8 14 2 12 18 6 --- ---